Mathe wa Ngara Raises Concerns Over Missing Exhibit Funds

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Nancy Kigunzu, popularly known as Mathe wa Ngara, has expressed her concern regarding the whereabouts of Ksh.13.4 million that was recovered from her by the police. Mathe wa Ngara, through her legal representatives Danstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta, argues that the money should be considered as an exhibit and should not have been seized by the state.

During court proceedings, Mathe wa Ngara's lawyers emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of the case and questioned why the assets recovery process was not involved in this particular matter.

"The integrity of the proceedings in this matter are critical assets recovery is not a party to this case before you," her legal team informed the court.

The central issue raised by Mathe wa Ngara's lawyers revolves around the custody of the significant sum of money. They highlight the fact that the funds were seized by the police, suggesting that the money should have been handled differently as it is expected to serve as an exhibit in the ongoing legal proceedings.

The lawyers have urged the court to address the matter promptly and provide clarification on the custody of the exhibit funds. They seek transparency and accurate information regarding who currently has control over the seized money.

With this latest development in the case, it is evident that Mathe wa Ngara and her legal team are committed to ensuring a fair and just legal process. They firmly assert that the funds should not have been taken by the state, but rather preserved and regarded as evidence. Their concern highlights the necessity for proper protocol and adherence to the law in handling assets seized during criminal investigations.

The court's response to the inquiry of Mathe wa Ngara's lawyers regarding the custody of the exhibit funds will play a crucial role in determining the course of the case. The court is expected to address this issue promptly and provide the necessary clarification, ensuring transparency and accountability.

As the legal proceedings continue, it is vital for all involved parties, including the court, to maintain the highest standards of integrity and fairness. The public's trust in the justice system relies on the effective and unbiased handling of such cases.

It remains to be seen how this matter will be resolved and what steps will be taken regarding the Ksh.13.4 million seized from Mathe wa Ngara. As the legal process unfolds, it is expected that the court will review the concerns raised by her legal representatives and take appropriate action to address the issue of custody and the designation of the funds as an exhibit.

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